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privacy policy
We are Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop and we are responsible for the information you give to us when you apply to us for any of our membership plans or enrol with us on one of our workshops.
We or us in this notice refers to Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop or ECW.
ECW is a subsidiary of Edinburgh Design School LTD, Companies House registered number SC436895
Under data protection law we are the Data Controller.
Our address is:
Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop,
2 Easter Road, Edinburgh
Our assigned Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Alex Gunn, who can be contacted by email at:
Legal basis to asking you for your data
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law requires us to tell you about your data rights and our obligations to you with regards to the processing and control of your personal data.
We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at:
We do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website other than as stated in this document.
Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop is committed to protecting your privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy statement outlines the date we collect, how we collect it, how we use it use it and how we share it. This privacy statement also outlines your rights under Data protection Law.
We will use your data lawfully; we will clearly explain the data we collect about you and why we need to collect it. We will ensure that your data it is relevant and up to date and we will only ask you for the date we need. We will keep your data securely and only keep your data for as long as we need to.
Personal data is the information which is specific to you and can identify you.
You have the right to:
Privacy Notice - you have the right to know the personal information Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop is keeping about you.
Request Access - you have the right to access a copy of the data we keep about you, free of charge and within one month of your request.
Make Information changes - you can ask us to make changes to the information we keep about you if any of the information is out of date or inaccurate or incomplete.
Prevent - you can prevent us from using the information we are keeping about you if it is out of date, inaccurate or incomplete by e-mailing the Data Protection Officer at Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop or by complaining directly to the UK Information Commissioners office at
Restrict the use of your data you have raised concerns with us about the accuracy or use of your personal data.
Be forgotten - we will delete all your data
Stop us using your personal data
Data Portability - we will on request provide you with an electronic copy of the date we keep about you.
We will comply with the data protection principles of data protection law and:
Use your data in a lawful, fair and transparent way
Collect it only for valid purposes, that we have clearly explained to you, and not use it for any purpose incompatible with the original purpose (purpose limitation)
Ensure its adequate and relevant to (and just enough to achieve) the intended purposes (data minimisation)
Ensure your data is accurate and up to date
Keep your data only as long as necessary for the purposes we collected it for
Keep your personal data secure
The information we ask you for and retain
In order that we can advise on the most appropriate membership category for you and process your application or process job or residency applications or advise on educational courses and process applications we need to ask you for your personal information.
This information is so that we can keep accurate records of your membership, give advice on educational course applications and process these applications, gather details of your prior experience, contact you if we need to about your membership, job or residency application or advise on or process other workshop related activities. We also use the information you give us to process monies related to membership or refund any deposit monies owed to you at the end of your membership, keep you updated with information related to workshop activities or contact your next of kin in case you have an accident or become unwell whilst on our premises.
If we apply for grants or Creative industries funding, we may be asked to profile workshop members generally in terms of demographic. This is to evaluate whether we are fair in our membership structure or to identify groups which might be underrepresented in our membership.
Information will be supplied to third parties for statistical purposes only and without your name attached. In this case may ask you to supply to us some additional information including your age, your nationality your gender, and your occupation.
Information we ask you to give to us:
Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address
Date of Birth
Emergency contact details
Bank Details
Qualifications and experience related to your art, design or ceramics practice or to a job or residency application.
Photographs of your work
Medical history which might relate to or restrict your practice
Your primary social media information relating to your practice
We will collect this information via our Studio application form.
We need this information so that we have a:
Record of your membership
Can inform you of our workshop activities and courses, general information and any changes to your membership
Can seek your feedback
Promoting ECW
ECW is a centre for ceramics practice and education. In order to promote you as a member and to promote ECW in general we may ask you to supply Content for Print and Digital. This content can appear on websites, social media sites and in print and be used for promotional purposes. Content may include images or video of you and or your work, written copy featuring your activities. We may photograph or video you working in the workshop or attending events or educational activities and use these to promote the workshop. If you wish to withdraw from this at any stage you can do so by contacting
How long will we keep your data
We will keep your data only as long as is necessary and in accordance with your rights.
Cookies, are small bits of data stored as text files on a browser. Websites use those small bits of data to keep track of users and enable user-specific features. Cookies can not identify users but individuals may choose to manage their settings via their internet browsers if they do not wish to accept some (or any) cookies. However, this may mean the website is less functional and that users can not make full use of all the features on the website.
Some examples of the uses of cookies include:
Navigating around webpages and accessing secure areas of the site
Remembering login details so that users don't have to enter them again and again
Keeping track of statistical information so that the user experience can be made more efficient later.
Data may be processed outside the European Union
Our websites are hosted by and they have servers all around the world including Israel, America and Europe.
​We may also use outsourced services in countries outside the European Union from time to time in other aspects of our business.
Your data obtained within the UK or any other country could be processed outside the European Union.
Access to your Information
You can access your information at any time by contacting the ECW Data Controller at